I have an album I occasionally worked on over a period of about 8 years, up at Bandcamp. It’s electronic in nature, and experimental, but I think the tracks all feel like purposeful compositions. It’s also available in cassette tape format. So if any of that interests you, check it out!
All products include 44.1 and 96khz versions. Some have 48 and 88.2khz also.
The product description will mention that it includes 48 and 88.2khz if that is the case.
You will get all available sample rates for the product upon any purchase.
Featured Products
Tube Delay Station $38.00
CupTone vol. 3 – Tone+Distortion $41.00
Plates of Legend vol. 4x $41.00
Plates of Legend vol. 1X $40.00
M-Equalizer $50.00
Assorted HPLP (+High Shelf) Mixing Filters $22.00
Synth HP/LP Filters for Mixing, vol.1 $33.00
CupTone vol. 2 $39.00
CupReels Ax102 $41.00
Cassette 3 – Multi Effects Pack $39.00
Tube Radios Direct, Revamped $40.00
S-609A mk2 Bus Compressor + Limiter $39.00
Tube Radio Reverbs $27.00
C660 mk3 Tube Compressor $41.00
4k Crush $37.00
Info about my bandcamp albumposted by Tim
Update- Yourei Notch/BPposted by Tim
Update- Tube Radios Direct REVAMPEDposted by Tim
Update- Plates of Legend 4xposted by Tim
Plates of Legend 2 and 3 updateposted by Tim
Update- Plates of Legend 1Xposted by Tim
Update- Plates of Legend Zero Xposted by Tim
Update- Cassetteverbposted by Tim