I sent out emails to all customers who bought this one, a few days ago. Here’s the updates-
*max did skins for N3 and N4, with the ability to switch between the various programs by clicking buttons.
*48/88.2khz added.
*CPU cost of the reverbs is now less than half what it was, because the multiple reverbs contained in each program have been parted out, and split up into separate programs. the reason i had mutiple reverbs in each program in the past was for convenience, so you could select between several different reverb choices quickly, without having to use nebula’s program finder list to pick the next one. now that we can have a GUI with program switching buttons for N4 as well as N3, we can just use the buttons to hear each reverb. also, parting out the reverbs like this makes the button UI work better than it would have, had i not done it. so this also really improves the organization/presentation and ability to audition every reverb quickly without getting confused.
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*i’ve added two new shortened/faded versions of the crypt reverb, at Max’s suggestion. these give you another option in case you feel that the main crypt reverbs are too long.
*i’ve gone in and made sure that the impulses are all being ‘synched’ more perfectly, which had a few subtle results. One is that the harmonics are using their full lengths. In the old programs, part of the harmonic impulses was not being used. In some of the reverbs, there is even more of the actaul reverb early reflection portion being used, which was previously cut out. It’s actually a very subtle difference that i doubt anyone would actually notice, but the end results are more accurate.
*the early reflections can now be set above 100% loudness (which gives you exactly what was sampled), up to 200% loudness max. they still load at 100% by default.
*harmonic levels were adjusted to be more accurate.